On Nov 11, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
At least one. I call it my "serial killer".
Supplies mains voltage to every alternate pin on a DB25.
Sounds suspiciously like the BOFH's EtherKiller, the mains cord with a
BNC plug on the other end. >
THat would do suprisignly little damage I think. Ethernet conencotrs are
isolated from the rest of the machine (the traceiver chip is on the
conencotr side of the isolation barrier), so applyging mains to the BNC
connector (or indeed the 8p8c [1] of twisted-pair ethernet) will kil lthe
transciver chip, possibly the isolation transformern and DC-DC converter,
but will dont get much further.
That does assume the circuit is designed correctly. I think the original BOFH
"joke" was "Let's see if that 10KV isolation really works!"
I've definitely seen enough circuits where questionable things were done to the
magnetic (mostly bypassing it "just a little" to make it work with some bad
engineering elsewhere) that I'd worry.
And, of course, the fun bit about BNC was supposed to be that since it's all the same
physical media, you'd be testing the entire network's isolation ability.
- Dave