As far as I can tell, the VLC and Model 60 will boot with a dead DALLAS chip, the Model 90
*WILL NOT* (it hangs on the tests). Having said that, I think you need to leave the VLC
plugged in for a bit. It took 2-3 tries to get things going.
When I did all my testing about a month and a half ago, I used a VT320. I?m not sure if
I?ve ever tried to talk to a VAXstation with anything other than a DEC terminal.
I swapped out my VLC and Model 90 SCSI drives with SCSI2SD boards, I still need to do that
with one Model 60, and one AlphaStation.
On Jul 13, 2021, at 12:30 PM, Adrian Graham via cctalk
<cctalk at> wrote:
Hi folks,
I'm testing a little BlueSCSI adapter (BlueSCSI <>) which
while being aimed at 68K Macs should also work as an 8 bit target for older
VAXen, it's a newer cheaper SCSI2SD solution and I should point out it
works as intended on a Mac Plus so the module itself is fine.
Nobody appears to have tested on small VAXen yet so tonight I dug out my
VLC to give it a go.
Powering up with nothing attached apart from an MMJ/H8571 cable I get
nothing on the console, I'm using PuTTY via a genuine COM1 port on a PC
which is one level above what I used last time I powered the machine up
(FTDI USB adapter to a laptop). Diagnostic LEDs cycle through the tests and
end up at '1111 0011' which according to the manual is 'entering the
console program'.
Clearly the DALLAS has passed the TOY tests, but if it's not happy would
that stop the console displaying? It doesn't matter how I set S3, next step
I guess is to hook it up to a 'proper' VT.
Adrian Graham
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest private home computer
t: @binarydinosaurs f: