Alexy said:
Show me the VAXen.
Well there's your problem - VMS is mostly Alpha and IA64 now.
Go to your local hospital, they probably have one, the school district I work for has one,
etc. etc.
The VMS beasts are mostly locked up in the back room (possibly even welded shut) serving
lesser desktop clients. VMS interacts quite well with Windows. Nobody is arguing that
DIGITALs "What's VMS? We haven't heard of VMS" marketing in the late
'90s helped, though.
has been tested by throwing the same volume of script
kiddies at it as other
OSen have had thrown at them you can't make any security claims based on
relative number of breakins.
I wouldn't put too much value on the kiddies - they work by exploiting known holes and
very few of them would find new ones. Look at the released security patches - that tells
you more. VMS managers aren't going to stand by and let holes go unpatched for 6+
months. Look at the CERT reports. VMS is good - real good.