On 5/8/07, C H Dickman <chd_1 at nktelco.net> wrote:
After reading the documentation (RT-11 V5.04 release
notes), the Pro is
capable of formatting the hard disk itself. RT11 even includes a program
for that purpose. It can only format standard drive types of course.
DW.SYS (Pro hard disk for RT-11) includes geometries for RD50, RD51,
RD52C, RD52Q, RD52A, RD53 and RD31...
The hardware only supports 8 heads (3 select
lines). The driver does not support partitions so there is a maximum of
65535 blocks no matter how big the disk.
So does anyone have any docs to check for later versions of RT-11 and
supported geometries? I'm specifically thinking of the RD32 (ST-251)
of which I have a couple on hand.
the drive would support more than 65536 blocks, but I certainly
wouldn't be upset if RT-11 gave up at the 32MB mark.