In fact, on reflection, its not just a pity, its
upsetting and distressing
that the best place for materials related to UK computing is in the US. This
doesn't make it un-true...
Realize that the USA is a very big place, and those of us on the East
Coast...well, CHM might as well be in he UK. No, I can not visit every
other week, as I wish I could. At best, I roadtrip many thousands of
miles once a year and see CHM for just a day or two. But then again, I
am a nut.
And yes, all that DEC and IBM and DG and Univac and Interdata iron was
mostly born in East Coast stables.
But, for software and document preservation, CHM is a established
success - one that other computer museums have not matched.
(and Wild Hare!)