On Wed, 7 May 1997, Kai Kaltenbach wrote:
And _Wargames_ was actually pretty realistic; he had
the IMSAI with
voice synth (probably a CompuTalker) and a demon dialer program, all of
which were acceptable realism for me.
Reminds me of a Computer Faire that I was exhibiting at not too long after
the movie released. Had my IMSAI (amongst others) displayed on the table
running Processor Tech 8080 Chess on the display, and a little button on
the rear of the table that, when pressed caused the IMSAI to wake up the
Votrax (under the table) and ask: "would you like to play a game?"
You could identify the paranoid movie goers REAL quickly! (the ones that
jumped the highest or ran the fastest!)
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