The DECWriter II has been picked up. Thanks to all who replied.
There were 5 replies which makes me glad I saved it from being
thrown away.
Incidnetally, talking of LA36s, there is one bit of rather poor design in
them IMHO.
There is no switch/sensor to detelct the 'home' position of the carriage.
Instead there is a physical stop that stops the carriage moving any
further. When the carrage hits the stop, it salls the motor. The
electroncs notices a lack of pulses from the otpical shaft encoder and
knows it's got to the home ppsition.
The problem is that the plastic key in the drive sprocket sheers off.
Then the motor dosesn't stall, it rotrates slowly with the sprocket
slipping on the shaft. So thge electronics doesn't think it's got to the
home psotion, it keeps the motor turning. But having the sproket slipping
in a much heavier load than jsut moving the cariage, so the motor
overheats. The insulation burns off the wire, you get shorted turns, in
the end the carriage motor fuse blows.
Rewindign the motor is not that difficult, but it's still a pain to have
to do it.