When writing an image back to a drive, TeleDisk doesn't really care
about anything more than the density (low or high), recording mode
(FM/MFM), and number and size of sectors. Gap computation is
performed on the basis of the drive being used to write. So declare
your drive as either a 5.25" 1.2MB or an 8" to TeleDisk and you'll be
fine, assuming your controller will write FM. Either way, the track
computation will be based on 500K data rate and a 360 RPM drive.
As far as the 82 cylinders goes; it's the number used for the maximum
track inspected by TeleDisk--TD will keep looking up to track 82 (or
42 for a 48 tpi drive) or (79 for an 8" drive) until no data is
returned. Some drives will hit a mechanical stop at track 80 or so,
so the positioner will just bounce against it, returning the same
data. On playback, the same thing will happen, so you'll get a valid
recreation. Things had to be this way because some copy-protected
formats use up to 42/82 cylinders; and some customers wanted to
recover manufacturing information if present (which is typically
recorded on track 40 or 80).
Hope this clears things up.