REM ...AT. worked since an AT entry was present in the TAL output
INS -- File not found
Disk (RD51) has 850 blocks free after some cleaning up. It had 738 before.
Thank for your answer.
I'll try your suggestions.
It's RSX-11 and I've found some troubles on the disk.
I ran VFY with the /RC option.
Some files can't be read (it reports -4 and -101 errors, parity error
and forced error mark).
INDEXF.SYS itself appears to have a bad spot.
So I'm tempted to backup all relevant data and reinstall.
BTW there's no [3,54] on the fixed disk.
Ok, if you don't have [3,54] then you must have RSX-11M not RSX-11M+. In that case you
should have two versions of Indirect:
ICP.TSK is the default, "full capacity" version and in V4.0 of RSX11M it shows
up under TAS as:
TAS ...AT.
...AT. 1.0 GEN 64. 00060000
so try removing it as you did above and then INS the ICX.TSK and try it.
...AT. 9.01 GEN 64. 00060000 LB0:-00114033
It would be good to know which version of RSX-11M you have and also a bit about the
You mention backing up your data, what disks do you have? To back up a system disk
it is best to use BRUSYS.SYS which on M should be in [1,51] It is a memory resident
of BRU (running under RSX11S) that you BOOT and then can copy disks.
Good Luck!