I used to
repair [peecee keybaords]. It's a mindless activity.
Depends on what's
wrong with them. One of mine died when a PSU fell
onto it. The PCB was crackd into several pieces. [...]
This reminds me of one of the repairs I'm proudest of.
Back in the late '70s, early '80s, sometime like that, back a little
after the very first home videogames came out (I'm talking Pong era
here), my father and I often scrounged at the local dump. One year,
along about December 27th or so, we found such a game which had a big
break right across it, as if it had been run over with a bicycle or had
a pipe-frame chair crush it or some such.
It proved to be a single-sided pc board, and no components were
cracked, just the board. I spent an hour or so solder-bridging the
broken etch runs, built a new case for mechanical support, and voila, a
working game!
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