On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 ghldbrd(a)ccp.com wrote:
I picked up a Tek 321 scope, and I remembered a
thread about a year or
ago about someone with a Tek 3" scope looking for help getting it going.
A very nice gentleman in Austrailia needed the docs for same - I sent
him the service and operator's manuals, and he fixed his scope, and sent
me back my doc.
So do be aware that I have these, if you need them.
Okay, I think I'll take you up on the offer. You can send it by mail to:
Gary Hildebrand
Box 6184
St. Joseph, MO 64506-0184
Home phone: 816-662-2612
I'll reimburse you for the cost. Send it at media rate, that's quite a
saving over first class.