On 15/09/2013 8:09 AM, Fred Cisin wrote:
Does anybody still use GALs? (Generic Array Logic)
I'm wokring on a project using GALs at the moment. To get Windows to
access the parallel port directly for the programmer I use UserPort [1],
and use GALblast [2] to program the devices.
I use WinCUPL [3] from Atmel to program them, but it's a horrible
abomination masquerading as a developer tool. It's written in
VisualBasic and frequently crashes.
While I'm here, does anyone know of a half decent CUPL compiler or
anything else that'll compile to JEDEC files? I'm thinking about
learning VHDL or Verilog.
I source my GALs from eBay (i.e. China). They're pulls from old boards
and have about a 40% DOA rate, but my projects aren't mission critical
so I don't really care. Given they aren't being manufactured any more I
doubt there are other suppliers out there who sell them as cheaply.
Alexis K.