This reminds me of a pet peeve of mine. Is it just me or does it really xxxx
you off when somebody gives you a Tandy model 100 and then they say
something like "I had a Cray-1 in the garage until last week but I took it
to the junk dealer"? It seems to happen to me quite often. Maybe they feel
so bad about parting with the little piece of junk that they hung on to the
they need to say something to make them feel better? I am always tempted to
say "Are you just trying to make me angry or what? Why would I want to know
about the really valuable thing you didn't give me?"
-----Original Message-----
From: cctech-bounces at
[mailto:cctech-bounces at] On Behalf Of Lawrence Wilkinson
Have fun with the Spectrum. You should be able to
find some
fellow enthusiasts - a friend of mine had quite a collection
of Spectrum stuff until recently (microfloppies etc.)