Allison wrote:
74LS10 dip .25 at ea .17 at Q25 |74F10 dip .19 at ea
.14 at Q25 |74HCT10 dip .25 at ea .18 at Q25
I plan to get then from unicorn electronics, about the same pricing.
Even at a buck a chip if your only using 36 of them
thats not painful.
The quick logic alu design is about 20 TTL per bit and
I am planning 18 bits wide... say 50 ents each for a 74XX gate that
is $10 per bit.
Rounding that to 20 bits that is $200 for the logic. Good sockets are
$.50 so
about $200. Not knowing PCB layout say a square inch per chip ... 20
sq inches
@ 75 cents a inch ... $300 for the PCB's ... That is where my money
is going.
OH well I have all next year for that project, but I have two goals
for the ALU
and Control so I can have feel for what the 60's Computers were like
size wise.
1) 14 pin DIPS. 2) 7400 logic.
I can get a 200 watt PC power supply ... 5 volts @ 20 amps that I
hope is
ample ...
PS. As for getting 7400 off scrap boards, if I had the scrap boards I
most likely try to get the scrap item working again. :D