I received this email - contact Alex below if
I'm a reporter for the New York Times and I'm working on a story about vintage
tech/computer equipment,
particularly when used as items to be displayed, or as home-decor.
Do you know have any collectors of vintage tech who have used it in any creative way as
objects around the
If you have any thoughts on the topic, I'm all ears. Thanks!
Alex Williams
The New York Times
212 556 1158
OK ,my house is full of vintage computers (and I really need to re-arrange some of
them...) but I do not
regard them as decorative objects. They are computers -- to run programs. As I have said
here before,
an HP9830, or a PDP11, or... remains an interesting machine if the boards and backplane
are just sitting
on the bench, or are somehow mounted in a wooden box. An empty HP9380 or PDP11 case is of
interest (other than as a part of a restoration project). What the machines look like is
of very little
concern to me.
I suspect a number of people here have similar interests.