Thanks to a creative suggestion from Ethan, I want to use VTserver
to transfer a bootable OS/8 RL02 image from my laptop (which works
fine under SIMH PDP-8) to an RL02 pack on my 11/23+. Then I will
remove that disk from the drive on the -11, place it in the 8/A's
RL02 drive, and voila - it should boot OS/8! (The disks are
identical format regardless of system, only the programs
themselves differ).
Meanwhile I am confused about VTserver's use and terminology of
serial ports. I got a PC-executable version here:
and modified the .vtrc file (as recommended in the embedded
comments) to send only two tape records, "copy" and the RL02
image. I realize a null modem cable will need to be made. So far
so good?
But I don't understand the difference between, say, "ttyd1" and
"ttyp9"... those are Unix terms, not DOS... will one of these be
correct to enable the serial port connector on the back (one of
the COM ports)? If not, how do I patch this?
I was a hardware designer and 8/16 bit assembly language writer
(and that was over 20 years ago) and definitely never a C, Unix or
Windows programmer, so please bear with me. Any helpful hints
appreciated :)