perhaps the original requestor was thinking more in
terms of
geographical areas...? sure, thrift stores, but which are your personal
favourites? etc.
Garage sales would have to be the top - lots of work for little return, but
the return can be excellent. The second best are user groups for some
systems - here we have Apple, Atari, Commodore, Tandy and Sorceror user
groups. Although people mostly want to hold on to their systems, there is
always the occasional person who has one that they want to go to a good
home. The third is old service centers - particularly those specialising in
one manufacturer. Often they have old systems lying around that they never
got round to moving. One guy I found, who had been servicing Apple ][s for
around 15 years, sold me an Apple ///+, //e, ][+, Woz //gs, platinum //e, 1
meg espansion boards for the //c and a //c LCD screen for $50.
In Adelaide we also have Trash and Treasures - I suppose they are the
equivalent of very big car boot sales, invariably held in old drive-in
theatres. I have yet to go to one and not come away with something