Can the drives be formatted on a VAXstation 2000 and moved to a PRO ?
(like you can do from a VS2000 to a PDP-11 (with RQDX3 ?))
-- Curt
Roger Ivie wrote:
On Mon, 7 May 2007, C H Dickman wrote:
drives that have been used were
RD31 == ST225
RD32 == ST250
How would these have been formatted since the RQDX1/2 doesn't know
anything about RD31 or RD32? The Pro tech manual describes a
formatting function that lets you lay down a low-level format for a
given track. Could a drive be formatted in the field using the Pro or
did the drive just come pre-formatted?
Well, when I fiddled with an ST-251 in my Pro350, I wrote my own
formatter. The register layout is close enough to the traditional IBM/PC
AT type controller that it wasn't particularly hard.
I've lost the code, though, so I can't really offer anything beyond
moral support. I do, however, have the original PC formatter code that I
started from (in TURBO Pascal 3.01), if that's helpful (I would suspect