On 01/28/2016 10:28 PM, Ethan Dicks wrote:
Hello, all,
I was just gifted with an IBM 3101-12 ASCII terminal that happens to
be missing the fuse and fuse holder. Unlike a lot of 1960s and 1970s
gear, it's not round. It's square. Is this a standard IBM thing from
the 70s/80s? Anyone know where I could get one? It seems to snap in
and probably fell out at some point under its previous owner.
I'd open up the
case and see if you can find out who made
the whole fuse holder assembly. Lots of outfits made
"fancy" fuse holders that were different entirely for visual
appeal. Or, just browse through the Digi-Key or other
catalogs and try to find a fuse holder that fits the opening
in the case. I'm sure it was NOT a custom IBM part.
Also, I found only a little info on it from Googling.
terminals emulated ANSI command or Wyse-50 or something. I couldn't
find anything on the 3101. Is it a glass TTY or does it respond to
any cursor positioning, etc. commands?
It definitely has cursor positioning commands. I ran one on
a CP/M system, and added in the cursor and other commands on
a configurable editor and used it for some time.