I was luckier,
I succeeded in getting ink onto paper with my first serial printer
(DTC-300 Hytype 1) connected to TRS80 Model 1 after about 5 weeks.
I mustt be incredibly lucky. The first serial printer I tired to use with
a Model 1 was a Danders 12/7 and I got that printign withing 3 hours of
owning it. And at least some of that time was spent walikign to/from
H.Gee's (the electrronics shop in Cambridge) to buy a couple of DB25 plugs
and some cable.
I know I'm atypical, but I have never had any major problems with RS232
interfaces. Perhaps it's becuase I sit down with the manuals (and
scheamtics) and work out what should be conencted to what. And then use
various test instruments (breakout box, lien monitor, 'scope) if things
don't work rather than just making random changes and hoping.