Thanks Oscar. The information you provided is all I need. I can update
the Wiki page with it tonight. Definitely let me know as further
publications occur. It is definitely helpful to have all these references
in the Wiki page to ensure we are not deleted again!
Thanks again to you and Andrew for getting the articles published!
On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:50:26 PM UTC-7, oscarv wrote:
I'm not a Wikipedia expert,so don't really know how to add to the
article...but the references we can submit so far are
- Commodore Free Issue 67,"Homebrewing Computers in the 21st Century",
- Circuit Cellar July 2013, "DIY Single-Board Computers",
- Circuit Cellar August 2013, "DIY Single-Board Computers part 2"
(link forthcoming)
C't Magazin (Germany) should be publishing another article in their Autumn
Hardware Hacks special. Hopefully that satisfies the Wikimen.