At 04:54 PM 1/29/06 -0500, you wrote:
Richard wrote:
>In article <20060129113221.0f1a2355.sastevens at>,
> Scott Stevens <sastevens at> writes:
>>The cheapest, most common programmers from the mid-80s onward
>>should fill your need. Nothing special from Intel is needed.
>>Though collecting Intel development hardware as an end unto
>>itself is a worthy pursuit...
>How many of you collect development kit stuff like evaluation boards,
>in circuit emulators, cross compilers, etc.
I have a BUNCH of Intel MDSs, at least 8 working 800s, 2 working 235s, a
working 235 and two i201s and a BUNCH of intel Multibus cards. I also have
a couple Tektronix developement systems, a TI system, an early Zilog system
but never used them. I've been working on webpages for the Intel stuff but
this is all I have up so far.
Multibus boards > <>
Intel MDS-800 #1 > <>
Intel MDS-800 #3 > <>
Intel MDS-800 #4 > <>
Intel MDS Docs > <>
Oh, I have parts from an AMC system and some other brands in my collection
of Multibus boards.