Tony Duell wrote:
The 2748A/B paper tape reader uses the "8-bit duplex register interface".
That would lead me to believe it's an 8 bit interface, not a 16 bit one.
OK.... On later machines, all HP provided were 16 bit interfaces (like
the 98032), and you used 8 of the data lines for paper tape input, I guess.
This is incorrect!
The HP tape reader uses a HP tape reader board that is unique, it is NOT the HP
8 bit duplex register board.
If need be, I can run downstairs and get the acutal part number.
I've jsut recently gotten my 2114A booting HP basic from my new HP paper tape
reader emulator hardware. I'm pretty familiar with the tape reader interfaces.
What I need, are the pin-outs for my old Decitek tape reader!