On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 1:51 AM Jim Manley via cctalk
<cctalk at classiccmp.org>
long before the Color Graphics Adapters were
available, about six months after launch, and the CGAs were only
produced in response to the completely unanticipated demand for the
Are you certain? My then boss* and I went to a Computerland store in
Denver** on August 12, 1981, to pick up a PC that he had preordered***. My
(possibly faulty) recollection was that they had both MDA and CGA adapters
on that day, though they might not have had the CGA monitor in stock.
I recall the day PC was announce or shortly a letter was sent to all the
employees outlining an employee purchase plan.? The CGA adapter was
certainly part of the initial offering as I ordered one almost
immediately including a CGA adapter since with it I would not have to
buy a monitor right away.? I received it less than 6 months later
complete with a CGA adapter.? The biggest reason it took a few months to
get it is the employee response was huge but only a percentage of the
production was was allocated to employee sales.