On Mon, 2 Feb 1998, Max Eskin wrote:
It would be a
LOT easier to connect them via a null-modem or just use
LapLink or something similar (Fast Lynx is my preference).
At 11:47 AM 2/2/98 PST, you wrote:
>Could I attach two PC motherboards (ISA? PS/2? PCI? EISA? NuBUS?
>Others?) together via a ribbon cable by the bus connectors and then
>transfer data among them, of course having written the approporiate
For one thing, please answer the question without going into philosophy.
The other is that I am looking not to transfer files, etc. but for a
way to have two computers share information a la multiproc. systems.
Ah but to answer the question with out philosophy - NO.
In reality (with philosophy 8-) Yes! It is called networking 8-)
Linux has been used in the Beowolf configuration where (I think)
16?? machines were/are set up for parallel processing. You could
net-research this and find a bunch of stuff.
I have done it using Perl on two machines, one running a 6532 emulator
and the other running a 6502 emulator.