Hmmm, now this doesn't look particularly good.
I manually pushed the carriage to the right and it worked. (ie the pawl
re-engaged.) Then I typed for a while and then it stopped spacing in the
middle of the page. Manually push it one character space and it works again.
By observing the mechanism, I can see that there is one position of the
spacing ratchet that doesn't seem to allow for spacing. It could be a
broken tooth but I can't tell from looking at it from the side. Another
interesting tidbit is that when I hit "return" the carraige _stops_ at that
tooth, even if this means stopping mid page!
Now a damaged tooth could be used to explain the first behavior but not the
second I don't believe. The cardboard/spacer thing is still in there and it
doesn't seem to harm anything so I still can't tell if it is supposed to be
there or not.
I have a complete (but dirty) typing unit available as an organ donor if I
can deduce the cause of the trouble.
Spacing Ratchet shown on page 75, part number is 181077 for the gear at the
bottom of the spacing ratchet, it apparently attaches with two bolts, the
carraige stops when the feed pawl is lined up with one of the two bolt
heads on the top.