On 4/8/19 9:06 PM, Jeff Woolsey via cctech wrote:
I've noted
earlier that the vinyl "hanger strips" for 1/2" magnetic tape
have been degrading, becoming brittle and simply breaking away,
sometimes in small particles.
I have about a hundred tapes from various contributors, and have noticed
no age-related [1] deterioration of the seals, probably because mine
don't get handled very much.? About 1/3 of mine have the vinyl hanger
strips, another third the autoload seals, and the remainder are in the
bulky canisters (with several different closures).? I also have a couple
of tape racks (think "dish rack") that hold maybe thirty tapes, but the
canisters are too thick to fit in.
That's great--but these are customer tapes, not mine and many are from
the 1960s and 70s. (About 2/3s of the current batch are 7-track)
Perhaps 50 years of storage takes its toll. I don't know.
The other minor annoyance is that 40-50 years tends to dry out the
adhesive on labels and less often, leader splices.
As far as racks go, you can sometimes find the 16mm film racks at
auction--they rarely attract bids. They're mostly Neumade products.