Well this week is not starting off as well as last week: items that were free:
commodore 1541-II disk drive, flat C64 computer with a Epyz Fast Load
cartridge still in it, Power supply for 1541-11,1571-II, or 1581; old metal
transfer box for the apple from inmac it's blue/black metal; various
appletalk cables; Hayes 1200 baud ext modem with power supply. Purchased the
following items: HP utility disk for print srceen on the IBM PC/XT boxes for
LaserJet and ThinkJet units; C16 ower's manual; apple mac book by Cary Lu;
and last a copy of PC DISK Magazine with the manual 5 1/4 disk other items
that were mailed with it, it si Vol 1 No 4 sold for $29.95 cost me $3.50.
Well that's it for today hope to hit 3 more shoes tomorrow. Keep computing !!