It should be quite a bit cheaper than $90...
At 06:59 AM 5/24/02 -0700, you wrote:
Sellam Wrote...
I need an EDAC connector for the DEC CR-11 (Documation M200) punch card
reader I am trying to interface.
This is 1-5/8" wide by 3/4" high. It has 37 conductors and is of the
female persuasion. I need it's male counterpart to breed it.
Does anyone have a spare/know of a source?
Oh yeah, THAT critter! Interestingly enough, it is still a production
part (popular in the commercial aircraft world among others) and I got
some for my reader from Grainger.
To quote 'Beat The Geeks' (I love that show - should do a variation of
that at VCF, no?) "That's the good news, now the bad news..."
They run about $90 EACH! (eek!)
Altho if you guilt trip on me bad enuf, I did buy two and might even know
where the spare is... (maybe, sorta, aprox...)
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