In the 80's I wrote extensions to WHAT.EXE a simple DOS batch extender that
would get stuff and put it in the environment and exit code. It helped make
DOS batch a little more bearable without learning a new batch language. I
had to rewrite it to handle newer DOS versions (old methods of finding the
master environment and updating using MASM didn't work anymore) and added
several commands. Many no longer work as of Windows ME. Most of these
functions are incorporated now into the CMD command processor's extended
shell commands. I tested WHAT.EXE in the WinXP CMD processor and it can't
properly update the master environment table. But you can run
and there it works.
WHAT V1.51- Batch file enhancer
Command Purpose Argument Environ Exit Extended
--------- ------- -------- ------- ---- ------
C[E] ["prompt"] [chars] Get Allowable Character Character Echo
character characters
G[E] ["prompt"] [chars] Get Allowable Character Character Echo
character characters
(G option gives up after a while and returns TO for TIMEOUT.)
S[E] ["prompt"] Get string None String Length Echo
D[E] Check DOS None Major (Major*10) Minor
version +Minor version
E[E] Get environ None Bytes Bytes/10 10 bytes
bytes left bytes in exit
F[E] filespec Get file Filespec Kilobytes Ks/10Ks 10Ks in
size (255=directory) exit
Command Purpose Argument Environ Exit Extended
--------- ------- -------- ------- ---- ------
K[E] [driveletter] Get disk Drive Kilobytes Ks/10Ks 10Ks in
space exit
M[E] Check None Kilobytes Ks/10Ks 10Ks in
memory exit
P[E] Check for n =1-4, Status 1=yes,0=no Verbal
printer LPTn: message (is ready) Message
V [number] Get/Set New mode Current or Current or None
video mode last mode last mode
7 Check for None 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no None
Command Purpose Argument Environ Exit Extended
--------- ------- -------- ------- ---- ------
A Check for None 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no None
ANSI driver
Y[E] Get current None Directory Level/Drive Drive
T[E] Get Time None HH:MM Nothing 12 hour
of day format
X[E] Get Date None mm-dd-yy Nothing yy-mm-dd
W[E] Get Day None Day Name 0-7 for Abbrev.
of week Sun-Sat
B[E] Get File Filename mm-dd-yy Nothing yy-mm-dd
At 04:47 PM 2/3/2006 -0800, you wrote:
Does anyone have any favorites when it comes to
extending MS-DOS's batch
language? Ideally, I'd like a facility to do simple arithmetic and looping
and be able to parse filenames into their components a la 'C'
Long file name support would be a bonus.
Anyone have any candidates?
[Alcohol] You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an
airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some
nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer. --Frank
--... ...-- -.. . -. ----. --.- --.- -...
tpeters at (remove "nospam") N9QQB (amateur radio)
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WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, CCNA, Registered Linux User 385531