Henk Gooijen wrote:
Date: Mon, 23
Feb 2009 13:29:26 -0500
From: wdonzelli at
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: Powering up a 20-year old MicroVAX II
I am tempted to research this a little more, talking to capacitor
guys and digging up the reports the military industry has done on
the issue, but I fear the results I find will fall on deaf ears
on this list.
You might be surprised how many people read without chiming in.
But if it helps, there are posters on this list of whom I read
almost everything. You're one of them. I learn every day something
new from this list, sometimes technical, somtimes historical.
Both equally interesting (IMHO).
- Henk, PA8PDP.
That is me chiming it - Yes, all messages are read, and some are even
remembered -
You never know how useful somebody's random data actually is.
So, Please feel free to post your findings, the ears here are not deaf,
it is just the mouth that is often silent.
Doug Jackson, I-RAP, MAIPM, MIEEE
Principal Information Security Consultant
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