Without looking I can tell you it's an (Intel) 8031, an 8-bit
microcontroller. Very 80's. Just hope it's not a masked PROM or
blown-fuse programmed type, can't see the code without an e-microscope
or something.
On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 15:19, Jules Richardson wrote:
Some of you guys probably have piles of databooks
lying around :-)
Can anyone tell me anything about a Philips MAB8031AH-12P CPU? Is it a
clone of anything more common? (given the 12MHz clock speed, 40 pin DIP
and a mid-80's build date, I doubt it)
There's a couple in each of the LVROM players that I'm trying to get
working, but I can't find any (accessible) data on the web about them...
(the ICs, not the players - I *may* have tracked down service manuals
for the latter)