On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 07:52:28 -0600
John Foust <jfoust at threedee.com> wrote:
At 11:41 PM 12/12/2005, Scott Stevens wrote:
There's a big difference between being a
conservator and going
around spreading warez, though.
Are you saying there's a fragment of law or court cases that
carve out exceptions to the copyright practices for
"computer conservators"?
- John
There is an ethical basis for what is called 'living in the
civilized world.' Not all of ethics is codified in law. Lawyers
can only dream that this is the case.
If I'm wrong in this then it's time for someone to draw up a list
of all the old software that needs to cease to exist. There is a
lot of it, in fact literally tons of media to throw in the
bonfire. It would probably be a good thing to encourage the
people and entities who insist on this 'burning' to step out and
have their say. So the rest of us can learn who they are early
enough to deal with them.