On 1/10/07, Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at gmail.com> wrote:
Ethan Dicks wrote:
what _is_ lost, AFAIK, is the MDL compiler and
Are there enough specs around that you could write a work-alike?
In the most abstract sense, almost certainly. Over a decade ago, I
purchased the relevant MDL-related titles that are now out-of-print
from MIT Press. MDL itself should be sufficiently
documented as to be
able to implement enough of a subset to compile Zork sources,
since I've never had to write a high-level compiler (just written a
few assemblers), the task is larger than I have time or attention-span
to conquer, and from the occasional airing of this topic on Usenet in
rec.arts.int-fiction, the task is larger than most people care to
In short - Can? Probably. Will? Maybe.