As with any brokerage situation, UPS brokers it for you to expedite
delivery, and they charge you for it!
To avoid brokerage fees you must "self-broker" it, which is perfectly
acceptable with UPS/fedex etc. You need to call the Canadian Customs
and get the paperwork, fill it out, pay the any customs duty (if any)
then take the clearance letter to the UPS warehouse to pick up your
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 9:59 AM, mc68010 <mc68010 at> wrote:
On 1/27/2013 8:06 AM, Tom publix wrote:
You can go to UPS and calculate the shipping charges using 110 lbs for
the 11/04, 60 lbs for the RX02 and 15 lbs for the TU-58.
Careful using UPS or FedEx to Canada from the US. The have some hefty
"Broker Fees" that they charge the recipient. The shiper doesn't see them
either. FedEx is bad but, UPS is a nightmare. Just google "Don't use UPS to
Canada" for many horror stories.