> How, exactly, is running something in a web
browser "more versatile"
> than running a purpose-built app with a GUI? WTF?
To me a "purpose built app with a GUI" is the very definition of "vendor
lock-in" and "A PC for every function".
To me "vendor lock-in" means "look you have the versatility of running it
on this one PC with a mouse and a keyboard and if you want to do it any other way you can
pay us for as many copies as you want!".
Whereas a web interface means that the display terminal and application server are now
decoupled with a strong implication of scalability up the wazoo. (I know, it's all too
easy to make it unscalable, or to embed Windows Controls in a web application and tie the
browser to a specific Windows build.) It also implies that multiple applications are
accessible simultaneously just by opening more browser windows - and means you don't
have to swap 10,000 PC's every time you upgrade the central server.
To me a web interface is way preferable to say a 3270 for filling forms. I know, the
hot-shot mainframe app people had some pretty slick user interfaces on the 3270's for
some popular mainframe applications. I've seen good ones and I appreciate them. But
the vast majority of 3270 user interfaces sucked rocks. I'm not saying there
aren't some really sucky webpages out there but custom
roll-your-own-GUI-inside-the-web-page design seems to be very much on the decline, thank