I was looking back at the discussion on what Mentec actually owned, back when it existed.
The discussion on the list suggested that Mentec had a license but did not actually own
the IP. It seems an odd arrangement that doesn't say much for the business skills of
those making it, but I suppose it's posssible.
I found that there are some RSTS manuals at
www.computinghistory.co.uk with Mentec cover
pages. Among other things, a free for the download RSTS 10.1 internals manual, over 600
pages of good stuff.
The cover has a Mentec logo but no other ownership clues. I was hoping to see the
copyright page to find out whose name appears there. Unfortunately, the scan omits the
copyright page.
Does anyone have any manuals from Mentec? If yes, does it say "Copyright ...
Mentec"? Or "Copyright ... someone else"?