Fred Cisin wrote:
On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, jim wrote:
I have one of the card reader units, but nothing
If it's like the one that I have, and/or the one that I used briefly in
about 1970, it is 40 column, using every other column of a standard IBM
card, making the "port-a-punch" cards ideal for it.
(If anybody here doesn't know what a "standard IBM card" is, go 'way.)
We could punch the cards on a standard keypunch, though I never did when
I was in school with an operational unit.
I didn't peer inside the card unit I have to see what the spacing was.
It reads whatever it does from the card without
moving the card, via static means. YOu slide in the card, and leave it,
then "read" it via whatever means from the
calculator keyboard, but the card is sensed in place.
Again as you mention and I observed a couple of weeks ago, there are
those who have no idea what the
use of cards are, nor have they seen one punched, or a working device to
do so. It was a lot of fun to
punch some cards for the children on my 129 keypunch.
Wish I had a working IBM reader to read them on, but I'll have to settle
for the M1000 Documation, and
And no, these are the paper hollerith cards, not the ones with the 62
pin edge connectors :-)