I've seen these things around, a local advertising
firm had stacks of them
they were throwing away. These are basically Macintosh IIfx's clock chipped
from 40MHz to 50MHz, in a gigantic metal tower case with power and frame key
locks. An interesting machine, but remember before buying...
1 - The IIfx uses wacko 64-Bit (I think) SIMMs that aren't compatable with
anything except a particular LaserWriter. These are VERY hard to find and
2 - The case weighs a TON. I'm not kidding, think double width MicroVAX II
tower case here, but with thicker sheet metal. Shipping will be very
3 - It's still a 68030 processor. A slow Quadra (68040) can give it a run
for it's money.
In a way its sad, but the once "wicked fast" IIfx now is regularly scrapped
and the boards, memory, etc. sell fairly cheaply. I think I have about a
dozen working IIfx and a fair stash of memory (sheesh, NEVER in my life did
I think I would have this much memory (all sorts, but some IIfx), a pile
about 2 feet across on my dining room table).
The other stuff just makes me want one or two even more, just not to ship ;).