Following up on my previous posting, I've been made aware that all of the
DECUS RSX Sig tapes are already available on-line. Cool. I thought I was
going to have my 15 minutes of fame.
I'm going to pursue the possibility that it's legal to post the RSX11M+ v
3.0 distribution on-line. I think I'd like to have a signed agreement with
Mentec that this will be okay. I don't want someone to introduce me to the
DMCA the hard way :-). Hopefully Mentec will answer my email. I can handle
the legal side of this (it's a good thing my father is a retired attorney),
but could someone give me some hints as to the technical side of posting the
tapes? There are two tapes, one is the distribution, and the other is
standalone BRU.
Well, I also have DECnet, DECmail and update E tapes as well... I'll keep
you posted.