On 10/09/02, John Boffemmyer IV scribbled:
Well, I happen to have a 5.25" Hull height
Seagate 10gig SCSI drive
available. It powers, never fully tested it though. Hildebrand was going to
take it but it fell through. I also have a 1gig IBM and I think one or two
2gig drives (Maxtor? and Seagates). Anyone need one or specs? Seagate seems
to like me lately. Going for shipping only.
BTW: nice to see that Sridhar is still with us. =)
John - Aybody take them yet? If not, I will take them all...
--- David A. Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818