In the earliest versions of MS-DOS, the choices were
Anort, Retry, Ignore.
Later, they added "Fail", and also permitted the OS to only include the
choices that were relevant.
DOS 3.1 - but visible to the user only since 3.3.
So, have error messages been getting better or worse?
message now leave out those annoying details, such as WHAT went wrong.
And the "OK" button is offensive to me.
"Absolutely everything that you have done since your last system backup
has been totally and irretrievably corrupted. OK?" No, it is NOT OK! I
REFUSE to click OK to that!
So you got a quite big collection of WINDOW~1 (I did rename it
back from SHITSTUFF to WINDOWS, but he still insists that the
name uses more than 8 char) boxes standing in your office with
one of these userfriendly (tm MS) messages ?
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