On Wed, 21 Jun 2006, Don Y wrote:
the capabilities of machines available at those times.
I suspect some was just the author(s) taking poetic liberties
(e.g., Algol's ::= )
Algol's syntax constists of symbols like '<-' ';' and so on. If you
e.g. the book from the Alcor group you will see that they tell you, in
case that there are no '<-' etc. you may use more primitive symbols to
represent them, e.g.
':=' = '<-'
'.,' = ';'
'..' = ':'
'.(' = '['
'.)' = ']'
and so on.
Now think if you want to write '<-' and don't even have a ':' ...
you have to write '..='
In Pascal, e.g., you can write '(*' and '*)' instead of '{' and
'}' if you
don't have curly brackets.