Bill wrote...
We'll be in St. Louis this weekend. Any good
museums, junk shops, or
other recommended geek destinations in the area? GPS coordinates happily
accepted. :-)
Two surplus places that I know of...
Gateway Electronics 314-427-6116 or (800-669-5810) 8123 Page Blvd. - St.
Louis, MO 63130
Gateway is mostly modern stuff, but they have an isle or two that is quite
old stuff. Not great, but worth a look-see.
The guys at gateway have the building next door full of inventory, and if you
get friendly with the right fellow at the counter, you can get a tour of that
and see a bit of other stuff. Just ask what they have, and indicate you made
a special trip in from some distance and I have found they accomodate me
and dig a bit so that I don't miss any "new" stuff.
but then I've been coming there since they were on Delmar and Stu had just
started it (maybe 35 years ago).
Sadly Stu passed away a couple of years ago, and is sorely missed.
on a slightly different topic.
Gateway has a San Diego outlet that has some stuff, and there is also a place
nearby there worth seeing in San Diego called Industrial Liquidators.
I also dig out the listings for the guys in El Cajon when I go down there
Any other San diego places to see?