Message: 4
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2013 21:25:16 -0500
From: Joe Giliberti <starbase89 at>
Subject: Amiga 4000 power supply specs
I have an Amiga 4000 040 with what I think is a fouled up power supply. I
am looking for info as to what voltages should be where so i can determine
if the PSU is the problem. Any help is very much appreciated.
According to the schematic there is a power connector (CN160) which has the
following pin-outs:
Pin 1: FAIL signal (470R pull-up to +5v) by plug chamfer
Pin 2: -12v
Pin 3: +12v
Pin 4: Ground (opposite pin 1)
Pin 5: Ground
Pin 6 +5v (1.8A poly-switch protection, opposite pin 3)
I don't think the schematic is model-specific. Good luck!