nerdware(a) wrote:
Also keep in mind that the majority of the Alto/Star
system was
developed by the end of 1973.....
No, the *minority* of the Alto system was developed by then. The Alto
hardware was not operational until March 1973. The early Alto software
was not very advanced, and did NOT have overlapping windows and other such
fancy GUI stuff. The software that everyone thinks of in connection
with the Alto was developed between 1973 and 1980 or so, it didn't
suddenly spring into existence in 1973.
IIRC, development on the Star didn't start until 1979 or so.
and also, they had developed a
color laser copier during that time as well.
I'm not sure when color laser copiers appeared, but I'm skeptical about
it being in the early 1970s.
The first laser printer prototype (SLOT) was built in 1973, but it was
NOT color. The first "production" laser printer, Dover, didn't apear
until 1976, and the first commercially available laser printer was
introduced in 1977. Color laser printers didn't appear for quite some