Yeah, as soon as I get my TK50 or one of my 9 tracks working I'm going to
load DECnet/E, and then hopefully put my 11/23plus up on HECnet.
It would be neat if we could get the guy running the DEC 10 on pdpplanet to
link up to us also.
I think this'll pick up steam as it rolls downhill, as most net trends do.
Once people see that there are several machines on the network, it'll become
I gotta say, it sure would be cool to have my installation of DECmail
connected with other systems across the globe.
-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk-bounces at [mailto:cctalk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Robert Armstrong
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 5:41 PM
To: 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'
Subject: A Hobbyist DECnet Network
I'm interested in setting up a network of hobbyist DEC machines linked
together in a DECnet phase IV network. Why? I suppose there's no really
good reason, but it seems like it would be fun to be able to do "SHOW NET"
or "NCP SHOW ACTIVE NODES" and see a whole long list of machines that
mine :-) Besides, it would be a good way to share access to real,
non-simulated, VMS/RSX/RSTS and even, maybe, TOPS-10 or 20, machines.
Does anyone else agree? Is anyone else interested in participating?
I know I'm not the first to think of this; in particular, I've had a few
email discussions recently with Johnny Billquist about HECnet,
At some point I'd like to link up with HECnet, but right now Johnny is
having ISP problems and it sounds like HECnet is down to one or two nodes.
Are there any other hobbyist DECnet associations that are going strong?
As for technology, it seems like the best thing would be to use the
Internet as our communications medium. Nobody wants to pay for
point-to-point leased lines anymore, after all. Multinet, TCPware, and
DECNet Phase V all have the ability to send DECnet traffic over IP. Right
now I'm leaning towards Multinet - they have a free hobbyist license
program, and Multinet can create point-to-point virtual DECnet circuits
using UDP packets that can be routed over the Internet. They're simple to
set up and administer.
I have a fair amount of Internet bandwidth available at my location, and
can set aside a VS4000 VLC or model 90 to serve as a dedicated Phase IV
routing node.
Bob Armstrong