Some of the smoke came out of my Osborne 1 this weekend. It doesn't
appear to have been fatal, as it was still functioning when I cut the
power. I'm giving the CRT some time to fully discharge before I open
it up, probably next weekend. It was probably a failing capacitor,
although it didn't explode, it merely got really warm over a period of
hours. But since there are some similar machines that I haven't
recently used, this question came to mind.
I've used the variac technique to reform capacitors, but thus far
haven't done this on a machine that contains a CRT because I don't
know what the reduced voltage is going to do to the CRT. The next
machine to power up on my list is a Compucolor II. Dare I power it at
15 volts for a few days before starting the slow ramp up to 115? Or
do I need to go in and detach the CRT circuitry before I try anything
like that.?