---------Original Message:
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 21:21:46 -0400
From: "Kelly Leavitt" <kelly at catcorner.org>
Subject: RE: S100 archive?
Does anyone recognize this archive as a mirror of
other spots?
It seems to be connected to
majzel.com, registered to a
Agata Majzel, Flat 22, 27 Hereford Road, London W2 4TQ.
- John
Seems like a case of
"My archive is bigger than your archive."
I see stuff in here from a lot of different archives and personal web sites.
Is this a problem or do you just like to belittle someone's hard work?
As a fellow Cromemco fan I happen to know Marcus, the person behind
that site (in Switzerland btw.) a little bit and I know for a fact that he has
spent an enormous amount of time and effort scanning and indexing material
that is not available elsewhere. Is there a problem with adding material that
*is* already available in order to make a section as complete as possible,
and to have it conveniently findable in an index? If any of the actual "owners"
of that material want to keep it to themselves and *THEIR* site, I'm sure
he would remove it.
I've also never known him to brag about it in any way, only to point to
his site on occasion when he runs across someone on a forum somewhere
looking for something that he has.
Since it's my own interest and in a very tiny part my contribution, I defy you to
find any one of many dozens of his 300+ Cromemco documents elsewhere,
unless they've been copied from his site. Compare it to bitsaver's Cromemco
collection for example (6 manuals at last count, although I don't in any way
mean to belittle Al's enormous effort), or even Harte's site which is one of the
better ones. That's not to mention the actual code and disk images which are
even rarer anywhere else, all a work constantly in progress.
It's comments like yours that make some people ask why the hell they
bother; I hope you don't have to grit your teeth one day and retrieve some
elusive boot disk or manual from his site...
And if you prefer to Google through the many fragmented and scattered
sources on the Internet, by all means do do.