I have a lovely HP 9825B desktop "calc-puter," the "T" version which
includes a number of ROMs that would have come on a cartridge in the
earlier models. There are a number of ROM carts and interfaces on
ebay for the 9825s, among them the "98217A Flexible Disk Drive" module
and the 98034A HPIB interface.
My question is: is the latter interface, along with the General and
Extended I/O ROMs already built into the 9825B, sufficient to talk to
HPIB floppy drives? Or do I need the 98217A, or some other ROM, to
add the disk routines to HPL?
The 98217A says it's specifically for the 9885M 8" disk drive. I
don't know if it has other applications or not. I don't have a 9885M
or the interface module that would be required.
Thanks for any clues...